Post-Induction Trauma Therapy (PIT)

aka “Survivors Workshop”


Post-Induction Trauma Therapy (PIT) was developed by Pia Melody, founder of the Meadows treatment Center in Wickenburg, AZ.

This model works deeply and elegantly to identify and integrate the “wounded children” you tucked away for safety’s sake. They (you) will reclaim their (your) voice and heal your past traumatic experience.

PIT Treats Developmental Immaturity

PIT was designed to treat the underlying cause of most addiction and codependency which Pia identifies as Developmental Immaturity. There are stuck places that froze when childhood relational trauma could not safely or effectively be handled. Today it shows up in our adult relationships, including how we relate to ourselves.

Now it looks like low self-esteem, poor boundaries, difficulty knowing reality, dependency, and moderation problems.

We will look at the experiences you had in childhood in which the people who were responsible for your safety, spiritual, intellectual, and emotional development may have dropped the ball.

Sometimes we are looking at obvious abuse; for others, it can be a surprisingly painful, subtle experience of feeling that you were “less than nurtured.” We know that comparison has no place in this work.

Addressing Those Parts of Self that Are Unhealed

This work is designed to create a safe, structured setting to validate and re-parent parts of yourself that you pushed away and left unhealed.

I give you clear instructions and support through the whole dynamic and highly effective process.

This work is not for everyone; but, wow – if it is a fit for your struggle, you will be amazed! Most people report a deep sense of relief and freedom.

You have probably heard that the only way out is through… PIT is a fast and effective way of “going through.”

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