Where are you located?

My office address is:

10200 West Highway 290, Austin, TX 78736

Situated conveniently between Oak Hill and Dripping Springs in a small freestanding office building with plenty of parking.

What are your office hours?

I see clients Wednesday – Saturday, between 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM.

How can I schedule an appointment?

Call me now (617)852-2650; if I do not pick up, you can leave your preferred appointment times on my voice mail. I will get back to you as soon as I can.

I am aware that it takes courage to make the first call, and I will do my best to respond quickly. My voice mailbox is private, secure, and will only ever be heard by me. We will get you in for the next mutually workable appointment.

What can I expect during our first session?

Before we meet in person, I will email you an invitation to the Simple Practice “Client Portal” and ask you to fill out some basic intake forms. Simple Practice is the gold standard for privacy compliant therapy software, so you can be sure your personal information is secure. If you are able to complete the online “paperwork” before we meet, it will save us precious in-session time. With the intake piece taken care of, we will be free to begin the process of therapy.

What does your office feel like?

You will feel like you are in a friend’s very private and cozy living room. The furniture and décor are soothing and comfortable. I want you to enjoy coming to see me and feel that the environment truly supports and contains you and your therapy experience. I also provide light snacks and water.

Do you work alone?

Yes. My practice is a solo venture as a business. I share my office with a dear and respected friend/colleague, Dr. Stevie Stanford.

We have a wonderful collaborative relationship that makes us able to see partners and couples who are struggling with addiction and relationship issues who want individual counseling within a couples/family container.

What is your therapy style? What kind of therapy do you do?

Attachment-based theories about how people grow, change, and heal from childhood wounds and patterns have always been my focus. I have trained in some very select types of trauma-focused therapies that work on reprocessing, reprogramming and reparenting through a variety of methods.

This is a topic I LOVE to nerd out on! I can talk for days about the magic and science behind EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing), aka AIP (Adaptive Information Processing) developed by Francine Shapiro.

My heart expands as I witness the positive changes my clients experience as they are able to reduce and understand shame and vulnerability through educating them on Brene Brown’s research in the Daring Way and Rising Strong Intensive Workshops.

I can’t adequately say in words what it’s like to facilitate breakthroughs with the Post Induction Trauma Therapy Protocols (Survivors Workshop) developed by Pia Melody at The Meadows Treatment Center in Wickenburg, AZ.

I am also here to help you adjust your thinking; if you want to talk about spiritual matters, I am here for you. If you just need a place to come talk, be seen and heard, I am here.

The therapeutic relationship and the process of therapy are sacred, deep and safe. I am not the perfect fit for everyone. If you want your therapist to repeat what you say and remain a blank wall for you to sit across from, I am not that therapist. I will engage with you and allow you to know that I am in the process with you to help you.

Are you really in recovery from addiction?

Yes. My Sober Birthday is July 8,2005, and it is a day I celebrate with great pride. I stay sober with the 12 Steps, a sponsor and fellowship. I will not sponsor a client now or ever, but I will assist in all the ways I can in getting you connected with the best meetings in town; if you find you need that support, you will have it. I believe that therapy and the 12-Step program of your choice can be an amazing combination.

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